Dårlige nyheter fra Transdesign/Bad news
Fikk akkurat denne mailen fra Transdesign, dette betyr at det fra nå av vil koste oss dyrt å bestille fra TD. Jeg har nok gjort min siste bestilling derfra, fikk heldigvis bestilt hele Shrek-kolleksjonen før dette ble gyldig fra i dag. Dette er så trist. 🙁
Bad news for us internationals that have used Transdesign, no more flat-rate box.
Sorry, your order #257682 has been cancelled.
We don’t ship hazardous item(s) by US Postal Office, non-hazardous items is
OK.Hazardous item(s) can be shipped by UPS and UPS Only.
Ship by UPS: Shipping + $40 for hazardous item(s).
You can search/find a forwarding shipping company in the United States (US)
that offer less expensive on shipping.Hazardous items such as nail polishes, alcohol, acetone, primer, thinner,
top coat, base coat, etc.Thank you,
Trans D, Inc.
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I live in Greece,
and this was exactly what we did not need here!!!!
Its a shame, living in 2010 and they are insulting the brains of all online buyers.
Its only just to get their hands deeper in our pockets-
USPS and UPS are using the same planes to get their mail to Europe!!!!!!!!!
Every other comment is just a lie.
Nothing about the handling is different or better for the client-just the opposite, UPS is always 2 weeks later than every other USPS-Service-bcs. has only a few destinations in Europe.
Its a real bad sad joke!!!!
Sorry, but I feel really insulted!
@Rita – I’m not defending Trans Design but I don’t imagine this was a change they wanted to make. From the comments here there are only going to lose business out of this.
Unfortunately most national Postal Services specify nail polish as a hazardous/dangerous material that shouldn’t be shipped. Of course we all know that people send polish through the mail all the time, but Trans Design is a business, they may have run into issues with the USPO.
Also surely the switch to UPS isn’t going to make money for TD, but for UPS.
As I said I’m not trying to defend TD, this change is a big shame for all non-US nail polish lovers who want to order unavailable polish from the US or just don’t want to pay European prices.
NONONO-SORRY, I ment of course UPS….. and all these forewarding organisations!!!!!
they are flying firearms and worst much cheaper all over the world, and nailpolish is dangerous to them and has to be shippen much more expensive!!! Thats insulting me.
The Seller and the buyer is biting the dust !!!-of course!
sorry again for that misunderstanding
Every online shop is effected-very bad!
I understand what you mean! It sucks!! 🙁
Cali, I agree with you when you say that this isn’t a change that TD wanted to make. I don’t think they want to loose the european market.
But I don’t like at all the sentence where they say: “You can search/find a forwarding shipping company in the United States”.
Me? Do I have to search another shipping company? I think that they should find an alternative, it’s so much easier than for us, international customers that don’t live in the US!
Anyway I was thinking about FedEx International Economy, a shipping method used for several months by Cherry Culture. Five or six months ago I ordered 10 polishes and shipping costs were around 21$.
Do you know this shipping method better than me? Could it be an alternative?
Have a great day!
By forwarding services i believe they mean something like this – http://www.myus.com/ – where you get a post box or something in the us, and they forward it to your real address. I have not tried any of these, only heard about them, and cannot say anything about how well it works, but it could be an option for us poor european nail polish addicts.
Nei, nei, nei…
Jeg skulle jo bestille mer derfra jo! 🙁
HALLO FOLKENS?! Vet dere ikke om den engelske nettsiden http://www.beauty4nails-body.co.uk/ da? Den har jo noen av de samma merkene, pluss at butikken er i England, noe som automatisk gjør frakten billigere!!
Takk for tipset, Malin, men der koster altså en OPI 3 ganger så mye som hos Transdesign og man får omtrent bare to lakker under 200kr grensa. Min siste bestilling hos TD inneholdt hele Shrek kolleksjonen + en Essie og det kom under på under 200 kr.
Frakten fra England er ikke automatisk billigere enn i USA, selv om det er nærmere geografisk.
Hva med denne nettbutikken? http://nailetc.com/index.html
Noen som har erfaringer med den? Prisene er litt høyere enn transdesign, men shippingprisene ligger på omtrent samme nivå…
Shipping outside United States/ International:
1 bottle of nail polish = $4.99
up to 3 = $ 9.99
up to 6 = $14.99
up to 10 = $19.99
up to 12 = $23.99
up to 24 = $34.99
up to 30 = $40.99
up to 40 = $43.99
up to 80 = $64.99
Det er jo en mulighet. Takk for link! 😀
flere fra Tapuz forum (i israel) har bestilt derifra, de mener det er trygt 🙂
Supert! 😀
Oh no! What a let down!, maybe you can combine orders with someone who lives near you, and then split the UPS cost? So sorry!
I think the customs will add to much to the already pricey shipping. 🙁
Moreover, UPS shipping costs for 9 polishes are around 120-130$. It’s a crazy price even if you combine and share orders with friends. 🙁
ps. Karianne, I have to thank you. Thanks to your blog I’ve just discovered a great resource for Nfu-Oh polishes! I used to order them from framenails.fr, but they cost 8€ (plus VAT) per bottle. Even the shipping costs are quite expensive (17€ for 9-10 bottles), considering that they ship from France and I live in Italy. Thanks again, and sorry for my school english! 😉
Oh, I’m happy that you got some good news out of visiting me! And your school english is more than good enough for me. 😉
nå ble jeg ordentlig lei meg, og sint !!! skulle bestille for en uke siden men hadde problemer med passord. Dumt!!!
Æsj, det er litt ekstra surt. 🙁
Åh nei! Jeg bestilte Shrek-kolleksjonen den dagen den ble lansert, men så hadde jeg klart å oppgi feil expiry-dato på kortet mitt, så den ble ikke processed, og de har ikke behandlet den noe mer etter jeg gav dem den korrekte informasjonen Jeg regner med at jeg må avlyse hele orderen nå.. Dette er kjempeleit. Jeg håper jeg kan overtale venner i USA til å motta og videresende for meg, men allikevel er det utrolig kjedelig.
Æsj! Det er så dumt at de ikke ga oss et lite forvarsel! 🙁
Dette var virkelig trist å høre! Baaah, og jeg som er en fattig student fra før av!
Vi får prøve å påvirke Kicks!
Ja, de må ta inn flere kolleksjoner.
[…] Nu när jag har varit borta så har jag inte följt nagelnyheter så mycket, men jag har sett lite i ögonvrån att något har hänt med Transdesign.com . Det som har hänt är nämligen att de har tagit bort sina flatrate boxes för nagellack och man får nu betala deras andra shipping som står på beställningen (oftast väldigt dyrt) plus en extra avgift på $40 för att paketet innehåller farligt gods. Läs deras mail till Neglelakkmani här […]
This is awful!
I’m a nail polish addict who lives in the Philippines and I’ve relied a lot on Transdesign to get my coveted bottles too 🙁
I was able to place one last order last week (Shrek Forever After). I’m going to miss that site.
I’m linking to this blog entry on my blog, hope that’s okay.
Linking is totally ok.
Looks like Transdesign will stop selling OPI. 🙁
[…] to ask if it was true. While waiting for their reply, I did a little Googling and found this blog entry. Apparently Karianne, a blogger who is based in Norway, tried ordering from Transdesign and she […]
Sigh. Really bad news 🙁
But oh well – it was bound to happen, sooner or later. What TD was doing was technically illegal. Post office regulations explicitly state that polishes should be declared. With the volume of international orders that TD is doing, it was only a matter of time.
Not happy about it since salon brand nail polish variety and stock basically sucks in my side of the world but hey – I’m thankful it’s almost at par with US retail price (unlike the exorbitant prices in Europe/SG).
I agree, it was only a matter of time.
OMG! I wrote an email to 8ty8beauty (I wanted more details on shipping costs ’cause I’ve never placed an order there) and they replied that they stopped taking overseas orders temporarily (for 2 weeks) as they are trying to finish all existing orders.
I’m sad! 🙁
Bah! They do that all the time, thats why I haven’t used them in a while. 🙁
[…] Såg precis detta mail från Trans Design hos Karianne på Neglelakkmani: […]
Ser ut til at de har ombestemt seg?
Jada, og de som følger meg her og på twitter har nok fått med seg det for lenge siden. 😉
Jeg vil si at jeg følger med her, men jeg leser innleggene dine via rss-feed, så får ikke med meg twitring og kommentarer. Etter litt leting ser jeg nå at dette blir nevnt blant kommentarene 21. juli.
Hvor lenge siden er det egentlig “forbudet” ble opphevet? Jeg har ikke shoppet lakker på evigheter, så jeg ble superglad da jeg helt tilfeldigvis ble tipset om dette i dag..
Det var i juli og grunnen til at jeg ikke har skrevet om det i eget innlegg er at jeg er redd for at om de får for mye press/pågang at de stenger for flat-rate og international shipping igjen. De fleste store bloggerne her i europa vet om det men har valgt å informere om det via twitter og kommentarer nettopp pga. dette.
Dette er helt klart supert!
I just wanted to tell you that you can also get gel polish/colour UV gel at Jacava.com.
I hope this is helpful,
Kind regards,
Anna Fraiser