
For alle som er glad i fin neglelakk

So how many mints do you have?

Here’s some of mine:



Categorised as: China Glaze | Claire's | ESSIE | H&M | Illamasqua | MAC | Maybelline | OPI | ORLY


  1. Emelie says:

    I have more than I need and more than I will wear. I continue to collect them even though I know it’s not a color of my preference.

  2. Nailtastic says:

    Jag tror jag har Ã¥tta stycken. ChG Re-Fresh Mint, Orly Mint Mojito, Isadora Vintage Mint, MAC Peppermint Patti, Ciaté Apple Custard, Essie Mint Candy Apple, Eyeko Vintage Polish och ChG For Audrey. For Audrey och Mint Mojito är egentligen inte “rena” mintfärger, men de fÃ¥r räknas i alla fall. 🙂

  3. Jackie S. says:

    I only have two..LOL! I guess I have some catching up to do 🙂

  4. Regine says:

    Essie mint candy apple
    ChG refresh-mint and for audrey (might not be a mint)
    H&M dollar green and bella’s chice
    Isadora vintage mint
    Nails Inc haymarket, upper street and south audley street
    Maybelline minty
    Nicole by OPI hint of mint

    And I believe I have others but I forgot about them.

  5. Sirkus says:

    Du…….du…….duverden. 😀

  6. Ninni says:

    Hahaha. I have none at all. So wich one is your favorite?

  7. Airam says:

    Excellent question, Ninni – which one is prettiest?

  8. Zuzu says:

    Omg I am totally in love with mind color =) Thats heaven for me!

  9. Karianne says:

    Hehe, I know it’s kinda crazy, but I get cravings and have to have them. Actually I think, Hey Get In Lime fra OPI or Damone Roberts 1968 also from OPI are my favourites, til now. 😛 I see that I forgot Knock Out’s Liberty an the matte OPI, and some others.

  10. Lina says:

    Undrar just om jag kan fÃ¥ min sambo att förstÃ¥ att 6 st mintiga lack inte alls är konstigt och det visst är nyans skillnader mellan dem….

  11. Solveig says:

    Jeg har én, to hvis du regner med For Audrey. Den ene var med i et sett jeg kjøpte, egentlig liker jeg ikke mintgrønn. 😉

  12. En! H&M dollar green… Jeg synes de fleste av dem er… for mye… jeg sÃ¥ pÃ¥ Bellas Choice og, jeg bare… synes dollar green som er litt mer dempet er mer flatterende… Mulig jeg kommer til Ã¥ jakte ned et eksemplar av mint candy apple though.

  13. Myldretid says:

    HAHA, godt det ikke bare er meg som har litt for mange mintfargete lakker. men det er jo så fint!

  14. Line says:

    Jeg har hele en stykker! 😀

  15. Joey Chong says:

    Oh my, great collection you have.

  16. Sexy Sadie says:

    Bare en, den fra Isadora som kom nu i vår.

  17. […] creme, and I love it! Who would have thought it? Well, I don’t need 14 different mints like some people, one or two will do just fine. This one looks so classy on my nails somehow, I think it’s […]

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