Lilacs —
Shamini asked for a comparison of Iris I Was Thinner and Do You Lilac It so here it is, A Grape Fit is actually closer in color than DYLI so I threw that one in also. So yes, you need them all. 😉
For alle som er glad i fin neglelakk
Shamini asked for a comparison of Iris I Was Thinner and Do You Lilac It so here it is, A Grape Fit is actually closer in color than DYLI so I threw that one in also. So yes, you need them all. 😉
LOL! I bought this just for the name, I think it is funny. I know some find it not to funny but oh well… It’s actually a great lilac, maybe not so flattering for me, but I like it. 🙂
Fjorårets heteste neglelakk var Sephora by OPI sin Metro Chic, Sephora sin egen blogg beskrev fargen som “moody, purple gray khaki-ish“ og den ble brukt på flere visninger når høstmoten skulle vises. Kjempepopulær og ble/blir altså bare solgt i Sephora butikker og Sephoras webside som ikke selger til Norge. 🙁 Løsningen for mange av oss ble derfor ebay. Men det […]